RESERVATION: The reservation will be effective from the moment of approval by the User, either digitally or physically.
FARES:The User accepts that he/she will be responsible for the fares established in the quotation, once the quotation has been approved and will be responsible for the payment of the fares, interest and/or any other additional expenses that may be generated by the requested flight.
PAYMENT: The User must pay the total amount established in the quotation before making the flight. The User will be responsible for any excess amount in the invoice due to changes in the itinerary, cancellations, increase in flight times and/or ground time, and for any additional services required (hotel reservations, transportation, catering, overnight stay request, etc).
PAYMENT METHODS: Payments may be made by cash, check or VISA or MASTERCARD credit card. Payments may also be made by deposit to the account. The User accepts that he/she must send confirmation and wait for SKYMAXX CORPORATION to confirm the crediting of the funds in the bank account.
CANCELLATION OF FLIGHTS: In case of cancellations by the User, these must be made at least 24 hours in advance. The User accepts that in case of not complying with the time established for the cancellation of flights, he/she must cover twenty percent (20%) of the total amount of the quotation, as a penalty for flight cancellation.
LIABILITY: The User agrees that SKYMAXX CORPORATION shall not be liable for flight delays or cancellations due to causes beyond its reasonable control, including acts of God or force majeure, aircraft mechanical problems, governmental actions, weather conditions, strikes, closure of operations or airport instructions or any other similar.
PASSENGER OBLIGATIONS: The User agrees to the following: